Neca + 20 poemetos travessos (2021) | Amara Moira
The Trans* Literature in the Global South Dialogue Series
Janek Scholz, University of Cologne
Carlos Halaburda, University of Toronto, Erich Auerbach Institute Junior Fellow
Amara Moira's new book, Neca + 20 poemetos travessos, brings together the first version of her experimental monologue in pajubá and 20 poems about trans experiences, many of them composed many years ago, when she didn't even dream of being part of this community. The monologue continues in the writing process, expanding little by little, hoping that one day it will become a kind of Grande Sertão: Veredas travesti — the author's tribute to one of the most famous works of Brazilian literature. The work also has illustrations by Lino Arruda, foreword by Amanda Palha and afterword by Caia Maria Coelho, three unavoidable figures of the current travestigender generation.
Place & Time: virtual | Wednesday, 09.11.2022 | 17:00—18:30hs

Amara Moira (Campinas, 1985) is a Brazilian writer, professor of literature, and activist. Moira holds a PhD in Literary Theory from the State University of Campinas (Unicamp)and became the first trans woman to obtain the title from that university using her social name. She is the author of E se eu fosse puta, 2016, Hoo Editora; Vidas trans: a coragem de existir, em co-autoria com João W. Nery, Márcia Rocha e T. Brant, prefaciado por Laerte Coutinho e Jaqueline Gomes de Jesus, lançado em 2017 pela editora Alto Astral. Her name is inspired by Homer's Odyssey, in which the moiras were seers who predicted a bitter fate for Odysseus. Therefore, her name would mean “Bitter Fate.”

Lino Arruda is a transmasculine Brazilian researcher, graphic novelist, and artist. Alongside a network of autonomous publishers, he collaborates in “Fracassando: edições precárias” (Failing: precarious editions), which is a DIY project for archiving, producing, translating, and distributing Latin-American zines with a focus on travesti/trans* self-representation. Lino has two bachelor’s degrees in visual arts from UNICAMP (Brazil) and Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (Spain), a master’s degree in Art Criticism and Art History from Universidade de São Paulo (Brazil) and a PhD in Literature from Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina / University of Arizona (Fulbright visiting scholar). His graphic novel “Monstrans: Experimenting with Horrormones” is upcoming through Itaú Cultural publisher.