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Narrative Embodiments: Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathology of Textual Corporeality in Nicola Barker’s H(A)PPY.

Alexandra Irimia in: Text/Körper. Ästhetiken und Praktiken literarischer (Un-)Sichtbarkeit.
Rombach Wissenschaft (2024) | Höving/Wetenkamp (eds.)

Our 2024 fellows Vanessa Höving and Alexandra Irimia worked together on an anthology on "Text/Körper. Ästhetiken und Praktiken literarischer (Un-)Sichtbarkeit" (published by Vanessa Höving and Lena Wetenkamp, Baden-Baden 2024). During her fellowship at the KWI in Essen and the Erich Auerbach Institute, Irimia authored her contribution on "Narrative Embodiments: Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathology of Textual Corporeality in Nicola Barker’s H(A)PPY." 

DOI: 10.5771/9783988580207-23
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