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29-30 June 2023 Erich Auerbach Institute for Advanced Studies

Workshop | The Role of Intuitions in Philosophy

Time:  June 29–30, 2023

Location: Library Erich Auerbach Institute, Weyertal 59 (Back Building, 3. Floor),  50937 Cologne


June 29:

13:30 Arrivial & Coffee
13:45 John Bengson, "Intuiting Essences"
14:50 Coffee
15:00 Joachim Horvath, "The Mischaracterization Objection and its Consequences"
16:05 Coffee
16:15 Isabelle Keßels, "Strategies for Measuring the Epistemic Weight of our Intuitions on Hypothetical Cases"
17:20 End of First day

June 30:

09:30 Arrivial & Coffee
09:45 Antti Kauppinen, "Moral Insight"
10:50 Coffee
11:00 Julia Langkau, "Creativity in Philosophy and the Role of Intuitions"
12:05 Lunch
13:15 James Andow, "What is Descriptive Methodology?"
14:20 Coffee
14:30 Christine Clavien, "Metaethical Implications of an A-Moral Mechanistic and Evolutionalry Account of Intuitions
15:35 Coffee
15:45 Marvin Backes, "Moderate Moral Intuitionism and the Confidence Challenge"
16:50 End of Second day

Further information can be found here.
