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For the winter semester 2023/24

Call for Applications Interfaculty Fellowship (Junior/Senior)

The Erich Auerbach Institute for Advanced Studies invites applications for a two-month Senior Fellowship or a Junior Fellowship of up to three months at the interface to the Faculty of Arts and Humanities for the winter semester 2023/24. The fellowship is awarded to an external researcher from the field of humanities and cultural studies in cooperation with a partner (host) from

  • the Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences

  • the Faculty of Medicine

  • the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

  • the Faculty of Law or

  • the Faculty of Human Sciences

The Auerbach Institute offers the faculty member the space to develop innovative research concepts in cooperation with an international colleague and to explore interdisciplinary interfaces and to discuss and present them in the research context of the Auerbach Institute and its Fellows.



The Call is addressed at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities to the group of  

  • full-time professors or

  • employees with a doctorate

who apply together with

  • an outstanding experienced researcher (Senior Fellow) or

  • an ambitious young scholar after the doctorate (Junior Fellow)

International fellows with whom a cooperation already exists or a more intensive cooperation is intended are addressed. The fellowship period should fall within the Cologne lecture period from October 9, 2023 to February 2, 2024.

In addition to the project-related research with the recruiting colleague, the fellows are expected to participate in a public lecture series of the Auerbach Institute during their stay in Cologne. However, the fellowship offers the freedom to advance the respective project and to establish and expand contacts with colleagues of the faculty.


Research Focus of the Winter Semester 2023/24

Collaborative project outlines should be within the horizon of the annual research focus “Culture and Economy” in the summer semester of 2023 and the winter semester of 2023/24. The focus should be on both the economic contexts in the fields of art and culture and, conversely, the role of cultural practices, discourses and forms of representation for the discursivization and plausibilization of economic processes and models. Of particular interest for the joint work at the Auerbach Institute are interdisciplinary studies of historical entanglements as well as with regard to present-day contexts, insofar as they contribute in a significant way to the exchange of knowledge between faculties and disciplines, even beyond the humanities.


The Selection criteria for the Fellowships are academic qualification and originality of the proposed joint project. The selection is made by the Advisory Board of the Auerbach Institute.



Applications should consist of:

  • a 1- to 2-page cover letter (with information on the preferred period of residence)

  • a curriculum vitae of the proposed fellow

  • a list of publications of the host and the planned fellow

  • a proposal for a joint research project of max. 2000 words

  • a summary of max. 200 words, which illustrates the significance of the project, even for those not familiar with the subject

The application deadline is April 30, 2023.

Please send applications in digital form to the Associate Director of the Auerbach Institute, who will also be available to answer any questions you may have:

PD Dr. Martin Roussel

