Queer Media Theories
This one-day and in-person workshop seeks to bring together scholars working at the intersection of queer studies and media theory. It is inspired by two interrelated dynamics. First, we recognize a resurgent interest to theorize media practice among scholars working in varying disciplinary contexts. Drawing on a robust history of thought about the characteristics of media and their relation to culture, recent scholarship has brought to bear insights about media operations’ relationships to historically and structurally marginalized communities. Second, the last three decades have seen the emergence of extensive lines of inquiry in queer studies grounded in analyses of media. From discussions animated by an interest in global cultural engagement to microhistories of media usage, scholars have charted a rich cultural terrain of queer media practices. Devised as a venue in which participants can continue to think about the intersection between queer studies and media theory, the Queer Media Theories workshop seeks to catalyze existing interests with a focus on theoretically-oriented projects whose themes and methods have thus far been underexplored.
There are no geographic, period, or disciplinary limitations for the workshop. The organizers welcome submissions by scholars working at any stage of their career. If you are interested in the project and would like to brainstorm how best you can contribute, reach out to the organizers, who would be glad to help you participate.
The organizers welcome proposals for 20–30-minute presentations in either English or German related to the workshop theme. The proposal should have a title, an abstract (ca. 250 words), and a bio (ca. 100 words).
Please submit this information in an email to both organizers by March 28, 2025.
Acceptance emails will be sent by April 4, 2025.
Organizers and Contacts
Kyle Frackman (University of British Columbia): kyle.frackmanubc.ca
Ervin Malakaj (University of British Columbia/Erich Auerbach Institute): ervin.malakajubc.ca
Location and Time
University of Cologne
Erich Auerbach Institute for Advanced Studies, Weyertal 59 (back building), 50937 Cologne
Thursday, June 26, 2025