Anders als die Andern, Queer Film Classics Series, eds. Jonathan Crago, Matthew Hays, and Thomas Waugh (Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2023).
“Aerial Aesthetics, Queer Intimacy, and the Politics of Repose in the Cinema of Nils Bökamp and Monika Treut,” At the End of Neoliberalism: The Aesthetics and Politics of Contemporary German Film, eds. Claudia Breger and Olivia Landry (Rochester: Camden House, 2024), 202-18.
“Queer Time and Contemporary German Cinema,” co-ed. with Kyle Frackman. Special Issue of The Germanic Review 97.4 (2022).
“Rupture, Slowness, Untimeliness: Queer Time and History in German Studies,” co-ed. with Kyle Frackman. Special Issue of Monatshefte 114.3 (2022).
“Resisting the Traps of Hegemony: Variation in Contemporary German Queer of Color Cinema,” with Priscilla Layne, Routledge Companion to European Cinema, ed. Gábor Gergely & Susan Hayward (New York: Routledge, 2022), 374-84.
Slapstick: An Interdisciplinary Companion, co-ed. with Alena E. Lyons (Berlin: de Gruyter, 2021; paperback published in 2023).
“Queer Time and the Cinematic Pleasures of the locus amoenus in Free Fall,” GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies 29.2 (2023): 237–260.
“Untimeliness and the Balkan Queer Diaspora in Dennis Todorović’s Saša,” The Germanic Review 97. (2022): 340–358.
“Approaches to Queer Temporalities in German Studies,” with Kyle Frackman, Monatshefte 114.3 (2022): 353–62.