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 #AuPairsInGermany: Contesting Precarity through the Mediatization of Emotions and Lived Experiences of Filipino Au Pairs in Germany

Au pairing is typically characterized as a unique form of mobility that revolves around cultural exchange and emotional labor. This project investigates how Filipino au pairs in Germany strategically position themselves in the globalized affective labor landscape using sociolinguistic resources. While previous research has been overwhelmingly critical of au pairing as a site of precarity, little has been done to examine how au pairs strategically position themselves amid structures of inequality. Thus, this project analyzes how Filipino au pairs construct and depict their emotions and experiences on social media and how these platforms reflect and impact their daily lives. Through an examination of social media content (e.g. Tiktok reels and interactions) produced by, and qualitative interviews with, Filipino au pairs, this project aims to unpack how a sociolinguistic investigation of the mediatization of emotions and experiences can develop critical insights into precarity and suggest sociolinguistic interventions for sustainable international relations between Germany and the Philippines.


Raymund Vitorio
